Vital signs monitor


Vital signs monitor

(3 customer reviews)

MDST000131 ,

Vital signs monitor

Model : G3R  

5 inch LCD screen and LED display of oxygen  saturation and BP

Parameters : SPO2 , NIBP  , heart rate and Temperature

Lead acid cell battery  fro working 5 hours if there is electricity cut off

96 hours trend

CE certified

origin : China

Manufacturer : General meditech


3 reviews for Vital signs monitor

  1. Arabic

    نورهان محمد

    كيفية قياس الضغط لحديثي الولادة

  2. Arabic


    عن طري كاف مخصصة وربطها حول يد الطفل

  3. English

    soha Ahmed

    Excellent and good price

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